Vuexy v9.3.0: Vuejs, React, HTML and Laravel Admin Dashboard Template
The Vuexy VueJS + HTML Admin Dashboard Template is the easiest for developers to use and can be changed in a lot of ways. It is based on the Vue CLI, Vuex, and the Vuexy component system.
There is only one admin panel that was made with developers like you in mind, and that’s Vuexy. Built on Vue.js, Vuexy is a powerful admin panel template that is easy for developers to use, full of features, and easy to customize. We followed the strictest rules in the business to create the best admin template that is both quick and simple to use, and it can be easily expanded to fit any need. It gives you the most freedom and ease, so you can make any app you want with very little trouble.
Build premium-quality applications with ease
Not much is better than Vuexy when it comes to making apps. Vue CLI, Vuex, and Vuexy are the frameworks that our vue.js admin dashboard template is based on. We made it very simple to use and flexible so that it’s easy for you to make your ideas come to life.
You can make eye-catching, high-quality, and well-working single-page apps with our creative admin template. Your apps will be fully flexible, which means they’ll look great and work perfectly on computers, tablets, and phones.
You can make any kind of web app with the Vuexy admin panel, which is very flexible. For example, you can make: Apps for managing projectsBackends for e-commerceCRM programsApps for analyticsApps for bankingApps for learningFitness apps, and a lot more.
Get started quickly
It is easy and quick to get started with Vuexy because it is clear and easy to use. It also comes with ready-to-use templates, such as two niche screens and five apps that can be used:
- Chat
- To-do list
- Calendar
- eCommerce
It’s also well detailed, which makes it even easier to start using it and keep doing so.
Make it your own
Vuexy makes it easy and fun to customize, and you can choose from an infinite number of colors.
Make the most of our innovative features
Vuexy has tools that are very useful for helping you make high-quality apps that are exactly how you imagine them. We’ve added some cool and useful tools to the Vuexy admin template, like forward cards, charts, fuzzy search, bookmarks, a floating navigation bar, and choices for dark and semi-dark layouts. Among the other first-class features are:
- Laravel Starter Kit
- Pure VueJS, No JQuery Dependency
- Created with Vue CLI
- Utilizes Vuex, Vue Router, and Webpack
- Code splitting and lazy loading
- Auth 0 Integration
- Firebase authentication and Social Logins
- E-Commerce App with shop, wishlist, and Checkout Pages
- Algolia search and filter demo integrated with E-Commerce app
- Data List with firestore integration using axios
- List View
- Thumb List View
- App Tour
- Drag and Drop Bookmarks to re-arrange
- Carousel (Image Slider)
- Clipboard (Copy to clipboard)
- Context Menu
- Scroll to top
- Not authorised Page
- Access Control (ACL)
- i18n Page
- Multi-lingual Support
- 3 chart libraries
- 2 Dashboard
- SASS Powered
- Feather Icons
- 5 Workable Applications
- Chat
- Todo
- Calendar
- E-Commerce
- Unlimited Color Options
- Google Map
- Video Player
- Drag & Drop
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Organized Folder Structure
- Clean and Commented Code
- Well Documented
- FREE Lifetime Updates
- 6 months of free support included
Enjoy first-class support
For six months, we’ll help every customer for free. We also offer help in more than one language.
Get free lifetime updates
For as long as you own the Vuexy admin design, you can get free updates. This means that you’ll always be able to use every new feature, improvement, and upgrade.