Handyman Service v7.5.1: On-Demand Home Service Flutter App with Complete Solution

Launch your own mobile-based online on-demand home services with the Handyman Service mobile app. This great app has themes that can be changed to fit your needs. This makes it easy for developers to set up a service booking system that clients can use to make reservations from anywhere in just a few minutes. This Handyman Service app has a sign-in page, a sign-up page, a payment methods page, a booking list, a service type example, a Handyman detail page, a coupon page, and more that are all ready to use. This means that a business can quickly have a full booking service app up and running.

In this Handyman Service app, the source can give the job to a handyman and speed up the service. This app for the Handyman Service comes with a Laravel PHP admin panel that lets you get useful information from the dashboard and data. Give different people who use this app different roles and rights, such as administrators, service providers, handymen, and customers. This Handyman Service app also works with multiple languages and supports RTL. This ready-to-use app can be changed to fit your needs. It supports both light and dark themes and comes with push notifications to make communication with clients more fun.


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Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/handyman-service-flutter-ondemand-home-services-app-with-complete-solution/33776097?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2o2Y3qHdgwMVphN7Bx1O7wAiEAAYASAAEgIc_vD_BwE